Performance Coach
My name is Randolph Sellars and I’ve been a successful freelance filmmaker for many years. But it hasn’t always been easy. When I first got started in the business, I didn’t have any industry contacts - and I definitely didn’t have a mentor who could help and advise me. I had to learn everything the hard way and make every mistake imaginable.
So, I feel your pain and frustration if you’re just getting started - or you’re trying to move up the professional ladder. My goal is to help you avoid many of the pitfalls so you can fast-track your career. I’m uniquely qualified to help you in several ways:
I'm a Performance Coach, Professional Mentor and a Certified Hypnotist. I help filmmakers overcome their biggest challenges and achieve their career goals by sharing expert knowledge along with specialized systems that I have developed and tested through many years of experience.
We are all aware that our fears and insecurities play a huge role in holding us back from what we really want. To overcome these psychological barriers, I use specialized techniques that are backed by "evidence based" scientific research.
Using protocols such as Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), I enable you to reprogram your mind so that you can break negative patterns of behavior and create positive new habits for success as a filmmaker.
I have over 35 years of experience in the film and video industry as a director of photography. I’ve shot 23 feature films including “The Juniper Tree” which was Icelandic singer Bjork’s screen debut.
The film was nominated for The Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival. “The Juniper Tree” was recently digitally re-mastered in 4K and re-released theatrically. I was also a camera operator on an Academy Award winning short film and an Emmy winning television movie.
I also have over 25 years of experience as a director. I trained in acting and directing actors under Judith Weston, the premier “directing actors” coach in Los Angeles. I’ve taught numerous filmmaking classes and workshops at several colleges and universities around the country.
I trained in hypnosis and other therapeutic techniques at the Northwest Hypnosis Institute and the Mike Mandell Hypnosis Academy so that I could better serve my coaching clients. I’m certified as a Consulting Hypnotist
by the National Guild of Hypnotists.
Success Stories
I’ve been active for several years as a performance coach and career mentor for aspiring filmmakers. One of my mentoring success stories is Kenny Allen. When I started working with him 5 years ago, he had never even used a video camera. This past year, he was the cinematographer on a documentary film called “Lifeboat” that was nominated for an Academy Award.
Another client, Israel Arias, just won a Best Cinematography Award at The Los Angeles Indie Film Festival. Only two years out of a community college video program, Devin Tau is currently directing his first feature film after several short films have had successful film festival runs.

Kenny Allen - Director of Photography
Academy Award Nomination - "Lifeboat"
Are you frustrated that your filmmaking career is moving too slow? Or, are you struggling to just to break into the industry?
What if you could uncover what has really been preventing you from achieving your filmmaking goals?
We all experience fear, anxiety, and lack of confidence as obstacles that prevent us from reaching our goals and potential.
I help you identify your challenges and show you proven psychological techniques that will alleviate your fears and give you the confidence to achieve your dream goals.

Are you struggling to determine the right career path? Are you confused about what steps to take next to push your career forward?
What if you had a highly detailed career plan to follow that was custom created for your individual goals?
I’ve created a systemized plan that makes your filmmaking growth and progress inevitable. It leverages your interests and strengths into a cohesive and flexible career map.
No more getting distracted or off-track. Your plan will have easy to follow steps to ensure confidence and avoid overwhelm.

Randy is an amazingly talented cinematographer, teacher, and coach. When I first met Randy I didn't know a C-stand from a C-47! He trained me and helped me get my first jobs in the film industry. His mentoring over the years has made a huge impact on my career. I now travel the world shooting "behind-the-scenes" videos for major feature films such as The Hobbit, Batman vs Superman, Warcraft, and Twilight.

Are you struggling to find filmmaking work? Do you need to ramp up your skill set to get to the next level?
What if you could get expert training
and job placement advice from a veteran filmmaker?
As a performance coach and mentor, I’ve helped many aspiring filmmakers launch successful careers in the film and video industry.
I teach you specific skills that are needed to fill in your knowledge gaps. I share with you the secrets of how to land jobs and where to find them.

Every time I receive another award for one of my projects, I know that my mentor relationship with Randolph has been a key factor in helping me hone my craft. Randolph has fast-tracked me to my goal of feature film making, providing me with the kind of expertise, background, and skilled assistance that would have taken me years to attain on my own.
When I signed up for a coaching program with Randolph, my life completely changed. I now work regularly as a freelance cinematographer and I’ve been fortunate to shoot some amazing projects overseas. One of these projects was a documentary film called “Lifeboat” which was nominated for an Academy Award in 2018.